lunes, 11 de agosto de 2008
Catch Report from our lakes in France and the Netherlands
Dear Friends,
Here's some news from our lakes in France and The Netherlands:
Fishing is quite difficult at the moment on this Venue in the Netherlands. The good anglers (technically speaking) however are catching some fish.
This week 59 carp were caught. 13 kg for the biggest one. On swim 3, our clients landed 24 carp with numerous animals between 10 and 12 kg.
A very good week despite the very hot weather. 12 anglers caught 108 fish: 6 catfish (biggest was 27,8 kg), 9 grasscarp (17,5 kg and 18 kg) and 19 carp over 15 kg. There where two massive carp of 20 kg an d20,5 kg!!!
"Thanks for the nice week. We will come back next year. Edwin will come back next week brocard.” William and Edwin
7 Anglers caught in total 68 fish: 4 sturgeons and 3 grasscarp (18,2kg was the biggest). Our guests landed 6 carp over 15 kg and their biggest was 17,1 kg.
This is the reaction from our client:
"fishing was great at La Carrière. We caught a lot of fish up to 19 kg. Our women loved the lake and the really enjoyed carp fishing. That's why want to book 2 swims for 2009..." Tanja, Alexandra, Guido and Thomas
At Jonchery 9 Anglers caught 68 fish in total. Biggest carp was 20 kg.
At Maurepaire 15 fish where caught, the biggest was 17,5 kg.
4 Anglers caught 39 fish, biggest carp was 21 kg.
A slow week with only 23 carp caught, due to the very hot weather. Richard Grant landed a huge grass carp of 61lb from swim 9. A 52lb 8oz mirror from swim 12, a mirror of 58lb from swim 10 & a common of 58lb 8oz from swim 6 were also landed.
"Dear fishermanholidays,
I was the first time we booked a carp fishing trip over and everything was fantastic. Here's our catch report from Lac de Moisson:
In a midweek we caught 10 carp between 5 and 20 kg. We landed one beautiful common of 16 kg. We also had 2 grass carp from 15 kg and 20 kg. Attached you will find some pictures" David Haak.